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Faxanadu said:
Dallinor said:
Faxanadu said:
it is quite pathetic of a large company to be so cheap. so what if there is a lot of dust on it? deal with it. clean it and send it back. the ps3 should survive a bit of dust. DONT EVER get into a quibble and post pics on the internet, embarrassing your client and loosing your own face. how stupid can sony be to do this?

Are you really serious? That's more then 'a bit' of dust. If I saw that amount of caked dirt and dust on any electronic device in my house I'd be scrubbing at it furiously with a cloth, willing it not to break down on me.

This is a logical response from Sony, people are curious as to what could have caused the breakdown, so they post pictures displaying the level of neglect this customer had for their product, thereby alleviating the worries of other PS3 users and potential buyers.

so you recommend any company to get into a public bitchfest to show everyone how cheap you are? way to go for your PR. Deal with it, repair it, end of story. this has been quite a negative story for sony so far.  

Sony is in the right. The consumer did not follow their product guidelines and when the product failed as a result of not following their guidelines the warranty became void. This is buisness. This makes sense.

If companies could be forced to repair any product that failed free of charge for fear of looking "cheap" or having "bad PR" buisness today would not be sustainable.

I've already explained the reasons why Sony released those pictures, entering into this "public bitchfest" but you don't seem to have followed my way of thinking. It looks to me like a logical move on Sony's part to clear up some bad PR, not to aggravate the situation.