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I bought NSMB today and I was thinking that MOST of my games on Nintendo consoles are published or dev'd by Nintendo. Hence this thread...

Unfortunately there was no N64 in my country, but on the Gamecube my games were:

Zelda:WW, Metroid:Prime, Metroid:Prime2, SSB:Melee, Donkey Conga, Mario Sunshine, Starfox Adventures, Resident Evil, Viewtiful Joe, Super Monkey Ball2 and Timesplitters 2.

That's a 7/11 = ~64%

On the Wii so far:

SMG, Zelda:TTP, Metroid:Prime3, WSR, NSMB and RE4.

That's 5/6 = ~83%

Interestingly 3/5 = 60% of the other games are Capcom games. I ONLY buy Nintendo hardware for Nintendo software and it seems like many people follow that trend if you look at the general sales. Many publishers are upset about the poor sales they're getting on Ninty hardware. Unfortunately for them they are competing with arguably the strongest software house in the industry. It's kind of a double-edged sword for Ninty, but we all know they're not too worried. Personally I mostly play 3rd party titles on other platforms.

So how do your figures compare?