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Seece said:

I think Lips (X360) is a fun game, a great game in fact (for me personally) do i think it should have scored any higher than 7.5? no.

That surprises me, because I don't rate games that I find fun or great that low.

A game sells 20 mill, does that automatically mean it has all those qualities to make it a high rated game?

Unless you think 20 million gamers were the victims of overhype, or that they're idiots who have no idea what they like, Yes. YOU may not like something. Lord knows I don't like most popular games. And sure, I'll mock said games and say they don't rate at all highly in my book. But I don't turn around and say "this game you like is objectively bad."

I can't in good conscience do that. No one can.

There is a measure on the worth of a game, graphics, sound ect.

You're wrong. There is one, and only one, measure of a game's worth: is it fun? In the final analysis nothing else matters.

Graphics, sounds, controls...they're nothing more than instruments in a song. Individually some might be good, some might be bad, but in the end we usually care about the music that they create. The only times we ever care about how that guitar or bass sounded is when they enhance or detract from the overall experience, but I've yet to hear anyone say "I really enjoyed that song a lot, and it all came together really well, but I bet that if I isolated and examined the percussion, rhythm, and bass separately, they'd only be decent, so I'm going to rate the whole thing down."

Even the enthusiast press implicitly recognizes this truth. Some places, like IGN, make a point of explicitly stating that the overall score is not an average of the sub-categories. The only reason anyone bothered to create these meaningless sub-categories was because some technophiles wanted to recognize that certain games are pure eye/ear candy, even if almost no one actually liked the game itself. It was nothing more than nerds drooling over the head cheerleader's hotness, even if she's a shallow bitch that no one can stand.

Long story short, why should we care about the trees instead of the forest?