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I think Hot Topics should stay as well. That's the first thing I look at, and I see many others saying it as well. I think if you remove a feature MOST people seem to love and make it more difficult (or not a convenient) for them to navigate, people will go elsewhere.

I would never have known Nights was rumored to come to PS2 without Hot Topics, or that some games got higher or lower reviews that were on systems I didn't check that day.

Trolling, as much as people complain about it, can REALLY stimulate some good discussions in a lot of instances. Just MHO.

Don't discourage discussion just when the sigt is exploding, community involvement is the BEST way to grow (i work in the internet business on the music end) and Hot Topics is doing more than you can imagine to help fuel your growth. With a vibrant community, you will grow at an astronomical rate.

BAM! There it is!
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