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@ Squilliam - I agree. Some data of quantity and revenue loss would help their case. Look at the movie industry for example, the production team of Slumdog Millionair claimed that Piracy was hurting them, and then they go and released the following;

Worldwide Gross $400.000.000
Production Budget $14,000,000

Or the most Pirated movie of 08 - The Dark Knight,
Worldwide Gross $1.400.000.000
Production Budget $185.000.000

Its kind of hard to take these guys serious when complaining about loss of income :D

The game industry might want to start thinking about how to be more cost efficient, or how they can make more money. DLC is one of those brainstorming products for example. I think they need to roll with the punches and adapt, because there's no way they can ban technology or make it go slower, just to suit current business models.