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Kantor said:
naznatips said:
Dallinor said:
Kantor said:
Dallinor said:
Haven't experienced any problems on my 60GB, but I haven't been playing any AC2.

Just pure Borderlands awesomeness.

According to my PSN friends list, you haven't logged onto PSN in 4 months.

So are you sure you have the update?


I have 6 accounts.

Rage00Fuel is my main one, and I use Dallinor for when playing with vgchartz people.

I see how it is... we're not good enough for you.

@Kantor why no Assassin's Creed II? The game is excellent.

Oh, I'll pick it up eventually. I'm just willing to wait until the January sales.

I just ordered Arkham Asylum, and I want to get R&C and maybe MW2 by the end of the year. Some PSN games, too.

Does ACII make the original look like crap? Because otherwise, I won't even consider it.

Yes. If your complaints were anything other than minor graphical issues, then they have been solved... They are one or two crap missions and a terrible start, but the main point is I have nearly finished the game, and apart from the absolutely terrible start outside the animus, and 5 minutes later on, I have not been taken out of Italy