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DMeisterJ said:
@ Just_ben

No one outright said it, but it is insinuated (don't know if that's correct spelling) by people saying it's sold out, selling for higher than MSRP on Amazon, saying there are issues with the pressing of the game, retailer orders etc. If the game had sold a million untis this week, no one would be discussing the game. Wii owners would all be holding hands and jumping in a circle. But since the game didn't do what was expected, we have to analyze sales ad nauseum, to find some glimmer of hope that the game didn't sell less than we expxected.

@ naznatips

Sorry if I was trolling, just tired of seeing the same idea discussed ad nauseum.

But you made an excellent point at the end of your thread;

naznatips: "If it was a retail supply issue sales should be higher. If it wasn't a supply issue at all, sales should be much much lower."

Everything makes so much sense :) Thx

A million, a game, a week, Europe? Mario? HELP in WHAT strange WORD do you live in? Can I come? I didn't perform perfect, but def. not bad for Europe. MP3 is bad. Your problem is you are talking to reasonable people. It didn't sell less than expected, at least not less than I expected. And it is sold out in Germany and UK, both on amazon at least, and people are telling that also shops seems to be sold out. Sorry, but you fail, because you seem to interprete here points into people words, that ain't there.