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 Ok so what I have gotten from reading your posts is that you are unaware of the fact that you are in the sales section of the site.  The way this works is we get sales data and we make sense of it.  If the numbers are bad, good, mediocre, etc...we still make sense of it. If you want to call them excuses and act like an ass and be pissy with people while saying "blah blah blah" a bunch then please go find another site to do this at.  If you have anything to contribute to this discussion then do so, in either case you need to stop acting like this here.

If you go back to the first page you will see several people saying that they are dissapointed in the numbers, and even some explaining that people expecting Halo 3 type numbers are completely insane for expecting that, which is true.  And now apparently a sell out is just an excuse. Maybe we should let businesses know that when they sell out of their product in the first 3 days its on the shelves it is just an excuse and they should have done better...I am pretty sure they still classify that as a success...poor ignorant bastards they don't even know they are doing awful!

Sarcasm aside, there are always going to be a few in the crowd who make an excuse but the majority of people are not and reacting like everyone is doing this is assanine and quite frankly trollish.  Especially posts like ckmlb's post above where he makes a generalizing and inflammatory comment and then makes a quick exit from the thread..actually that might be the definition of trolling.

The only excuse that has really been attempted thus far was the "its only out for 3/4 days" routine and it was shut down almost immediatly.  Everything else thus far that I have seen is a legitimate discussion on why the sales are where they are.

I will say this, at least you stuck around to defend your position, a lot more than most folks do.

To Each Man, Responsibility