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Well, I didn't see a thread about this, only the one about the GT review. I got the game the other day and haven't been able to put it down. I haven't even played Galaxy since I got this game. Not that I think it's better, but being shorter I decided I'd play it for a while, then delve into Galaxy like it deserves. I do agree with some of the complaints I've read in reviews. The IR is good, but not exactly perfect. It does stink that headshots don't do any more damage than bodyshots(unless you hit the sweetspot), but it's nothing that ruins the experience. The graphics are a mixed bag(if I may borrow that line from Mr Casamassina). Sometimes they go from "very impressive" to "only better than what everyone else besides Nintendo is doing on the Wii". The downside is mostly during cutscenes; some look really good, while others seem a bit blurry/choppy. Now onto the good stuff. It's just fun as hell to blast zombies til the cows come home. I also love how you are encouraged to shoot like a man or woman posessed. So much of the world around you is destructible, you really can't help yourself. Also, the scoring system doesn't factor in hit percentage, so that really gives you the opportunity to go nuts. You can aslo unlock and upgrade your weapons, which is always cool, though not as deep as in RE4. Then there is all of the story elements. It's a blast to replay sequences from the older games again, but the true draw is the additions and "what the heck was such-and-such doing during this time" moments. It's nice to have some of these areas filled in and being able to play through them. All of the files and item descriptions are fun to check out and help to flesh out the whole package. Also, being an on rails shooter, some of that cinematic flair is back from the old games, something that was a bit lacking in RE4 in my opinion. It's something that is very RE to me(dramatic camera angles and such), so it is definitely a welcome addition. I do have one major complaint, though it may just be me pissing and moaning. It's not something that is in the game, but something that isn't: *SPOLIER AHEAD* There is no Barry Burton in this game. He's mentioned a time or two, but that's it. :( *END OF SPOLIER* SO is anyone else playing this? I haven't saw too much talk about it here, though I hope that's just because people are too busy playing Galaxy at the moment and not completely ignoring UC.

"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."