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shams -

The issue is if you go through a decent-sized chunk of the X360 posts, on the X360 forums, we get hit by both sides.

I see the "battle" as this:

Wii owners proud of their system set out to speak of the greatness of the Wii, but do so outside of their forums, and attack inside the Sony and MS camps.

PS3 owners sad of their systems sales, feel the need to defend what exclusives it has left, and judge negatively on the X360's lineup, since it's definately in competition with the X360 for sales (whilst beating up on Wii owners at some point, I am sure).

Then we have, like you said, X360 owners in the middle getting flack from both sides. MS might care about beating up on the PS3. We really dont. Maybe I'm biased, but outside of a few pot-shots in this forum, there's very little gloating on what MS has done to Sony. We're just happy with what we've got this gen, since it's so much better than last gen.

And on the Wii front, some here own Wiis, or just don't care. I know I'm probably precieved as the most anti-Wii militant X360 owner, but it's almost exclusively from the attacks I have to defend against from Wii owners.

To me, the biggest thing is that the forum is heavily Wii-favored. I'm not even saying it's Nintendo-favored.

One of the last polls asked "what is the best system on the market?" - you had the PS2, PS3, PSP, NDS, Wii and X360 as options. The Wii beat out every, and any other system by a combined 64% to 36% - that includes all Sony systems, as well as the Nintendo DS (which maybe got 10% of the votes).

Now, to me, that shows ultra-heavy favoritism to the Wii. The DS is selling better than it, but you rarely see DS-only or DS-heavy posters here. Likewise, you don't see it for the PSP either. To me, this is crazy, and makes the forums much worse than normal.

I mean, I'm not expecting the forum to be magically 33/33/33 when it comes to owners, but it's more like 70/20/10 when there are discussions.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.