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I don't really agree with this article. The reason those games aren't on Wii whilst is partly to do with the power restriction is more to do with the fact that there is a bigger audience for those games on the HD twins. It's easier and cheaper to make an HD game for the HD consoles & PC than having to port down to Wii. The collective user base of all 3 HD platforms is higher than Wii alone and the few core style games that are on Wii don't sell as well as core titles on the HD systems.

Money is there to be made on Wii, but these traditional games are unlikely to come on Wii unless the publisher believes they have broad range appeal and is worth investing in a Wii version.

And I find the difference in core games between the HD consoles and Wii isn't down the visuals, but that games on the HD consoles tend to feel more dynamic and alive. I think physics has played a much bigger role in the HD game experience than 720-1080p visuals alone.