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Ok...spin it how you want...FFXIII's current release date or window sucks for PS3 momentum. 2009 is two Christmases away, and while the game may be one of the best ever made it will be too little, too late for Sony if they don't turn things around with MGS4 and GT5.

No one is cherry picking here or looking under big rocks for black clouds to rain on Sony's little parade. The fact that this game is stuck in development when the PS3 sorely needs a huge franchise hit is bad news for Sony fans; that is, if you are hoping that your console of choice turns the world upside down and comes in first again.

If you're not worried about sales of the PS3 but simply about games, then you have no reason to worry. This will be an amazing game when it is finished. If, however, your self esteem and libido are tied intrinsically to the success of Sony's new console then this news, whether it be a 2009 or 2010 release, is terribly bad news for you and you should probably shed a few tears rather than saying people don't know how to read Japanese.