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mrstickball said:
......Did anyone notice that *maybe*, just maybe the Wii sale increase was due to the holiday increases rather than SMG?

After all, the X360, DS, PS3 and PSP all increased too.

You crazy kids, you failed to look at anything else before calling the Wii increase due to SMG! Sigh. When will you learn...

Percentage changes:

Wii +58% (from 85k to 133k)
PS3 +10% (from 73k to 80k)
360 +15% (from 56k to 65k)

PS2 +6% (from 82k to 87k)

DS +14% (from 247k to 281k)
PSP +7% (from 60k to 64k)


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957