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bdbdbd said:
Actually, given how fast it has sold, you can't expect attach rates rise at the same level with much slower selling 360. You should also note, that when looking at CoD4 sales, it tells what kind of gamers have bought 360 and the same thing works with PS3.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say with that attach rates line. Do you know the Wii install base is 1,449,944 and the 360 install base is 1,520,468 in the UK? Talking about attach rates rising is useless when the systems have almost the same exact number of users. The fact is people bought a 360 to actually buy games and not all the Wii users have the same desire to buy as many.

No matter how you slice it, it's pretty pathetic that a 70k opening week is the biggest week in Wii history when it's one of the fastest selling consoles in history. Halo 3 (475k)>COD 4 (170k)>Assasins Creed (135k)>Gears of war>Super mario galaxy (70k). That is the top 5 opening weeks for next gen consoles in the UK. Gears of war had only a fraction of the userbase the Wii has now last year and it did a better first week.

It's fine if SMG is supply constrained, however that doesn't make up for all the games before it who couldn't out perform 68k for the first week. People just don't buy games on the Wii with the same intensity that 360 and apparently PS3 (maybe) owners do. That's nothing wrong with that though since I believe the Wii's soon to be massive lead over both consoles in the UK and other Pal territories will allow it to sell more games in the end.

Completed XBLA: 16 / 32
Completed Retail: 17 / 64
GS Completion %: 82.63%