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letsdance said:
DaBuddahN said:
Not exactly.. You see, Blu-Ray has larger storage capacity, which means, theoretically you could store more detailed/textured images in a the disc, but if you don't have the CPU and GPU to back it up, you would be unable to render these images on your TV. Something else you need to take into consideration is the fact that blu-ray disc speed is like 2x right now, compared to DVD drives which are around 8x - 16x. This is very important, this is why some PS3 games have slower loading times than 360 games. If, one day, Blu-Ray drives equal or surpass the drive speeds of DVD drives then you will see a significant leap in textures, loading times, etc. Basically, the speed limits the amount of information the laser can access at once.

Blu-ray 2x = DVD 8x

it is not as simple as that. first of all the 2x speed is consistent over the entire disc, whereas on a dvd or cd-rom it actually varies and the speed they report is on the innermost ring to boost the number. also, more info is stored in a smaller area, so the disc does not need to travel as far in order to read the same info.