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Andir said:
BenKenobi88 said:
Eh, not abuse.

My PC moves a lot of air, and a lot of dust collects quickly...I've got a mesh front that I just need to wipe or use canned air...I can see something collecting that much dust...but it's definitely neglect. I mean...all those smudges on the front, too? Very dirty.

I just make sure there's no dust on the front or back of my PC once a week typically...and then once a month or every other month I make sure the inside of my PC is clean...too bad you can't do that with consoles without being super careful or break the warranty.

You made me curious, so I ran my camera phone around the house. Apprently I must not be a dirty person compared to what some of you are describing.

 I'm not a dirty person either.  I simply get more dust in the house...that's not really under my control.  Certain places are dustier than others.  The inside of my PC never gets much worse than what yours looks like there...but I bet it could get pretty dusty if I left it alone for a half a year or something like that.  I've got dogs moving around, people moving around, and I live by a busy street...plenty of dust and particles to deal with.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )