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Thats right, even Sony can make their own awesome bowling game. It looks pretty fun too. Will be released Thursday on the PSN. =D

IGN Ratings for High Velocity Bowling (PS3)
Rating Description  
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
6.0 Presentation
Neon-lit, mostly static menus and some tackboard-style graphics shunt you from title screen to the game, but there's very little in the way of flashiness here.
7.0 Graphics
See above. Stiff-ish and few animations for the characters, not to mention fairly simple modeling mean that there's not a whole lot of eye candy here. But hey, the pin/ball physics are quite nice.
7.5 Sound
The characters' voices in the game range from annoying to creepy, but they're certainly fitting. The loungy music is low-key, and of course it can be replaced by anything you'd like.
7.5 Gameplay
Though there's not a whole lot to it, the bowling here has enough depth and challenge that it actually ends up being a lot of fun.
6.5 Lasting Appeal
Though there isn't a ton to unlock, the simple tap, tap, swing mechanic for actually bowling makes the game a fairly quick pick-up-and-play offering, perfect for quick play sessions with friends.
(out of 10 / not an average)

It seems Sony can make a good motion controlled bowling game.



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