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starcraft said:
stof said:

@ Strategyking - of course they have every right to decide what to do with their charitable donations. We just think it's pretty shitty that this arch diocese considers helping people to be slightly less important than discriminating against homosexuals.

I read it more as the provision of social services by 1. their particular institution 2. to a small minority in one city is slightly less important to them than maintaining 3. accordance with the beliefs of a one billion strong following.

1. That particular institution is the Washington DC arch diocese. That's what I said.

2. I'm not sure what you mean by this part. According to the article: Catholic Charities, the church's social services arm, is one of dozens of nonprofit organizations that partner with the District. It serves 68,000 people in the city, including the one-third of Washington's homeless people who go to city-owned shelters managed by the church. City leaders said the church is not the dominant provider of any particular social service, but the church pointed out that it supplements funding for city programs with $10 million from its own coffers.

I don't see anything there about a small minority. If you mean gays, that's not what the story is about. They're not complaining that they might have to provide services for gays (I imagine they already do, as I'm unaware of any sexual orientation questionares at homeless shelters. They seem more concerned about the notion of hiring or giving same sex family benefits.

3. That's what I said: discriminating against homosexuals. Although, if we look at it as Mr.Stickball does about the laws of leveticus referring more to their own time period, then the notion that christians need to be opposed to homosexuality might be an altogether false one. Really, did Jesus ever bring that up?

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

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