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Wow, I said all non HD games in history were crap, did I? Where? I happen to think that the best games ever made are mostly all from the early 90's PC era. I'm simply stating that HD is part of the natural development in visual and audiovisual processing. So maybe you don't hate HD but only the idea of games in HD, but why? Are HD movies and HDTV signals also redundant? Of course, many claim that its already "good enough" but where would we be in terms of technology if people sat on their asses and said that all the time instead of pushing forward?
I don't see the offensive article filled with lies that others do, I see a guy saying that HD is the future (and present) and part of a natural development cycle, like color television or broadband internet.
Its just as natural and you can't build and release a console that doesn't take this into consideration and expect no one to point that out.
I know the guy who wrote that piece is usually a troll but he's right about Reggie needing to stop whining, he can't go around pointing fingers at everyone save for his own employer, its not a great big conspiracy, its technology and business (cue Avinash or some others saying "then how come no one makes money on HD consoles...").