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Tell them you can't afford to get your PS3 fixed right now and you would much rather get games for Christmas on your PS3 instead of getting them for your brother's shitty 360. Ask them to please help you out and make your household a Playstation household not a XBOX household.
Tell them it took you forever to get your brother to agree to getting MW2 on the PS3 for christmas instead of for the 360 but now that it's broken you don't think he will agree to it anymore.

Just remember making threats and putting down their product or service gets you no where. The only time threats work is when it's on the scale of a lawsuit or such and you are nowhere near that.

Show them that you are a valued customer and if they don't help you fix the PS3 they will be losing you but not out of anger or threats, rather out of something that is out of your control.