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nightsurge said:
mirgro said:

Yes, I admit internet is faster now. Also games take up 15 GB of space while back then HOMM3 was about 300MB. So just as speed increased game sizes have too, same as before. So file size and speed have been more or less constant. So that's surely not it.

Are you kidding me?  No one even had internet back in the 80s.  And in the 90's it was mostly 56k dialup.  That would take at full throttle would be only 3.3mb per minute.  That's 124 minutes to download that 300MB game.  Now with 25mb internet pretty common amongst cable users, which equates to just 80 minutes to download that 15GB file at full throttle.  And most games these days are not that large.  So the speed to size ratio was more in favor of speed and piracy convenience.

I also you to note how the companies who are complaining of piracy also make subpar games and don't cater to their audiences. Somehow that doesn't seem like a nice cause to you? Cause according to the free market economics that makes perfect sense. Again, read what Valve fucking wrote because they don't seem to talk about their Steam a whole lot and they talk a whole lot about how they make GOOD GAMES which people BUY. Or maybe you are just scared of intelligent discussion made by people who obviously know how to avoid it, cause that would explain a lot.

Again, I want to know HOW you know piracy is such an issue. Did your mommy tell you? Or maybe it was that big dark guy from the publishing company? Or maybe just your friend's mom's cousin's nephew's daughter? Show me the numbers or anythign that comes out of you is utterly insubstantial.

I don't need to defend myself against childish attacks.  Piracy is a very huge thing.  Maybe it's just a US thing?  All I know is that EVERYONE I know of with PC's have stolen at least one game via piracy.  And how can you just base it off a generic "the games aren't good" statement?  That's bullcrap and you know it.  Demigod, Sins of a Solar Empire, CoD4, Spore, all were great games with great reviews.... yet these were some of the most destroyed by piracy.  In fact, piracy affects the better games more than the crap games no one likes.... so that is very flawed logic.

Oh I'm sorry, because 40 minutes is such a huge deal right? Maybe if we were talking a difference of 10+ hours that would be a good argument, but 40 minutes is nothing. Conveinience is the same as before. You jsut see more numbers because more people are using the PC platform.


Ok then don't defend your yourself agaisnt childiish attacks, defend your claim. EVERYONE I know buys their games legally, so the only solution is for you to provide statistics for this huge piracy you see. Like I saaid your only claim is "piracy is huge because my friend pirates and his brother and I hear his mom's nephew pirates too!" which is a very weak support. I can also just say "games aren't good" because if you listen to other people who play games they can tell you which games are and aren't good. Yes, list me Spore in that list, a game which was a HUGE disappointment, CoD4 which is less played than Counter Strike Source, also Sins and Demigod are selling as expected. Also Spore sold far far far more than it was pirated, just like the sims. At saying that 80% of Demigod was pirated, the dev mentioned that 3 days after it came out. I'm sorry but I think even you realize piracy is frontloaded while sales for the PC games go on for years.

Again, will you at least reada what Valve has said about piracy, or do you jsut dismiss it. I am also eagerly awating those statistics using ACTUAL numbers, otherwise all you are doing is spouting bullshit hearsay.

Definition of hearsay.

  • rumor: gossip (usually a mixture of truth and untruth) passed around by word of mouth
  • heard through another rather than directly; "hearsay information"