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nightsurge said:

I don't need to defend myself against childish attacks.  Piracy is a very huge thing.  Maybe it's just a US thing?  All I know is that EVERYONE I know of with PC's have stolen at least one game via piracy.  And how can you just base it off a generic "the games aren't good" statement?  That's bullcrap and you know it.  Demigod, Sins of a Solar Empire, CoD4, Spore, all were great games with great reviews.... yet these were some of the most destroyed by piracy.  In fact, piracy affects the better games more than the crap games no one likes.... so that is very flawed logic.

You're the one who's making childish attacks, or shall I say trolling. You have yet to show a proper argument rather than just "PC has huge piracy! Games must sell bad!"

All reports and studies have shown that PC games have been selling better and better, more than ever before. What's impressive is that this is all happening in the middle of a transition from retail to digital distribution. Even right now, PC gaming is outgrowing Consoles.

As for the games you just mentioned:

Demigod, we don't know the sales so far, but GPG hopes to sell 500k, so no doubt they're on the good track.

Sins of a Solar Empire, an example of where a small, talented team of 4 people flies high into heavens, with their debut game selling over 1 million copies

COD4 was a huge success on PC, selling probably up to 10 millions on PC

Spore was the fastest selling PC game for EA ever (until Sims 3 came), and this proves alot. It is still selling, and will sell for years. it will likely sell over 5 millions.