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nightsurge said:

So in other words, CoD4 PC was highly pirated. Makes sense for the low sales it got.

And from the biggest PC graphics card manufacturer:

So the CoD4 publisher comes out and says it and nVidia who sell hardware used for sales (they are also jsut talking about the ETHICS f piiracy, not the numbers so this is not even a statistic). Definitely unbiased analysts! That's like asking Sony how they think the PS3 is doing.....

Funny, cause Valve is ALSO a developer, HIGHLY successful on the PC and they reasoned it very differently. Go head and read the summaries, also brace of pwning.

Edit: I forgot to say that the first link, not only is it from the publisher, but it also had no statistics whatsoever. In fact it sounds more like heresay "i heard it from the guy who heard it rom his mom's best friend's nephew!"