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Mudface said:
nightsurge said:
But now that the PC market is saturated and pretty much the only PC's being bought are replacements/upgrades, only the Piracy market is growing. There are only a few PC only devs left anymore that are actually thriving... I wonder why....

From the PCGA press release-

In 2008, globally there were 42 million desktop consumer PCs and 31 million notebooks shipped
that could be used for gaming. By 2013, that annual consumer desktop figure will climb to 59
million and the notebook figure will grow to 118 million.  Globally consumer PCs that could play
games and gaming hardware market was $68 billion in 2008 and it's expected to reach $143
billion in 2013. The installed base of consumer PCs in the world (desktops and notebooks
combined) that could be used to play games in 2008 was 228 million and by 2013 will jump to
more than 600 million.

Doesn't sound saturated to me.

Upgrades/replacements... Check.

@mirgro... I'm still waiting on you to provide good information showing otherwise.  You can't even prove your supposed positive side of the argument, so why should I stress at proving a negative side yet?  I made the claims, you have yet to refute them.

So yes, maybe some places that are still developing are purchasing computers, but piracy is still going to grow at a much faster rate than new PC owners.  And again, why are there only a handful of PC only devs still having any success?  Why are the majority of PC devs switching to PC + consoles or going consoles entirely over the years?