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I do enjoy how some people are referring to console owners as "Ignorant", yet refuse to acknowledge the PC platforms problems as a whole. Piracy is a big issue. It will always be a big issue as long as there is a divide between developers and the community.

Like I said before, the petition is a joke. It's not structured and not restricted by IP address. Not like that would stop people from voting multiple times but it at least would lend /some/ credability. As it stands now, it's just a bunch of people throwing a big stink over changes that very few of them tested.

I respect the fact that a lack of LAN play or dedicated servers can be frustrating, but what would you propose be done with the PC platform to avoid piracy? Almost everyone has expressed outrage over DRM. Cd-Keys are a joke and so is requiring the disk to be in the drive.

Everyone wants to bitch about it but nobody has an answer. Lets keep that trend 4-5 years down the road when the next gen of consoles come out and see where the PC platform is. (Hint, not in a good spot).