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I think Nintendo are failing to realize how much Wii sports as part of the initial Bundle pushed Hardware. I think Nintendo needs to take a small page from Sony to finish this generation in a SOLID 1st Place.

I think being initially offered with Wii Sports was the reason for the serious uptake of the wii as I could not see the same reaction for Wii Hardware if Wii Sports wasn't bundled with it at launch (Maybe a small reason why Japan wii uptake seems a little off pace).

Personally, I think Nintendo should be working with any and every high profile third party release to offer their games as part of a bundle. For instance,

Red Steel 2 - should be bundled with wii motion plus accessory, Wii Sports Resort as well as the motion plus accessory and Nunchuck.

ToG or something without motion plus support - should be bundled with Wii Sports, Nunchuck and CC Pro.

These games should also include some limited color quantities. Red Steel in Red, Monster Hunter 3 in Black in Na and Europe, Grinder in Red, Sonic or some other game of the ilk in Blue.

The possibilities are endless, and I think it would be throwing a bone to the supposed 'Hardcore' giving them incentive to jump in.

I find it hard to find more value in the market that a $249.99 wii w/ quality game (ala Red Steel 2) that includes, wii sports resort + Motion plus + and Nunchuck. Even a Guitar Hero Bundle or Rock band Bundle with Guitar controller at $249.99, ultimately dominating the music genre and getting more support from Third parties, for the next Nintendo Console. Do it right now. Reap rewards Later.

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