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scat398 said:
I actually feel bad for the pc community, for years they have been the bread and butter for these companies and now the companies are walking away, it does suck. I switched to console gaming about 5 years ago and I have been happy with the choice. It appears that IW is also making that choice now as MW2 is clearly designed more for the console audience and if that's what they want to do the it's their right, but I still think it sucks that the PC gamers are getting left out in the rain. Hopefully another company will come along and give PC gamers something to enjoy.


where would IW be without the support from the PC community?? At least before this gen, an FPS for consoles was not really something that was as accepted as other genres. So before this gen, IW has been relying on their PC community to sell their games. PC users have fed them, raised them and to pay them back, IW feeds them shit. Wether it is a company, a person or whatever, support should be a mutual thing. YOU (PC users) have supported someone and made them who they are and they just throw shit back at you when they've become famous enough. There are humans behind every company's decision, and the people behind MW2 wanted to shit on the people who made them..

It's like: "Hey PC-users! we always wanted to throw shit in your face, but in the past I kind of needed your support. Now however, we are famous and rich, so we'll start throwing the shit! Enjoy!"