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Gnizmo said:
noname2200 said:

Are you calling me an unbelieer?

Oh, and I missed your last post. I agree that it would have been nicer if they'd been more robust, but I give them points for making each fight unique (so far: I've only downed Rol, Rubang, and myself).

If you do not understand the glory that is Penguin Mario then you are an unbeliever who shall be punished with eternal fire. If only you had seen the proper path. Then you cold use the holy Ice Balls of Doom to save yourself.

Pish Posh and poppycock. When the End Times near, I shall simply hop over them in a wildly-ungraceful-and-totally-hilarious manner only to lose my suit to the next goomba because moving on land is HARD. I can dodge fires all day. By contrast, your precious Ice Balls barely bounce once before they melt: they ain't gonna last.

My problem with the boss battles is that they aren't really that unique. At least not in my opinion. You just jump on their heads three times before they get a chance to use their special attack. I suppose I could let them stand up before smashing them back down, and look to see how they would attack me. All the same I'd rather crush them as quickly as possible to laugh at them as they try to spin into me.

The means of beating them is the same, but I'm referring to their castle fights, where they each have different moves. Roy was my favorite so far, although Iggy's was pretty amusing as well.

Plus, they have an awesome nod towards Yoshi's Island before each of those fights. I love this game...