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@bbsin: How long did MP3 take time to develope? I know TP took 4 years, because it was delayed 2 years until Wii release.
But, you're on the right track, basically you can spend money forever for a single games developement, despite the platform. It only depends on how much do you have to finalize it and most of the work goes to work on the graphics. Now, you could do GT Pro Series on the PS3, it would be cheap and just upscale the graphics to HD. Right? Well, wrong. Sony propably has some requirements considering the visuals and if you want to sell your game with graphics (which the PS3 is all about, as a gaming machine), you need to make games graphically on par with other titles.

As you can see, history repeates itself. I remember when PS fanboys said that PS3 will crush it's competition at it's release.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.