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A very simple rule: if a game sells poorly on a Nintendo's console, it's Nintendo's fault, or the console's fault... but if a game sells poorly on another console, it's the game's style or the game's quality fault...

Same thing with the wiimote: when a game is poorly designed, with controls badly implemented, many will say to you it's because the controller has "waggle issues", and can't even handle awesome games... but when a game on another console has control issues, no one will ever blame any dual analog controller: they'll just say the game is bad...

I'm gettin' used to that double standard, but that's not a reason to accept it... many critics and gaming "journalists" have a fanboyish agenda in mind, and very often, the "real" problem lies in that agenda and the cherrypicking which goes along with it, and not in the games quality or the games sales...

Cos' let's not forget: a "regular" game with 150k sales on DS or 300k sales on Wii may begin to make profits, while the same kind of sales on the HD consoles would indeed mean a bad flop for any "regular HD" title out there... here's a "real" double standard, one that curiously, many chose to forget...


"A beautiful drawing in 480i will stay beautiful forever...

and an ugly drawing in 1080p will stay ugly forever..."