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I'm still waiting while media go mad about sales of GTA:CW on PSP, like they did when DS version came out. Sadly, they won't, but who's gonna eat crow then?

The funny thing about how pathetic GTA:CW performed on PSP is the reaction of gaming media and community (or lack thereof). I'm not going to insist it flopped, since I wasn't expecting it'll perform that well without major overhaul, like full 3D view, for example. But a lot of people followed either not so smart media and so called analysts talk proclaiming the same overused idea of 'casual vs hardcore' dichotomy (and how pathetic DS is in 'hardcore' area, 'cos GTA:CW is an obvious flop on DS... sure) or very smart talk, smart enough to cater to target audience of gaming media, that mostly consists of teenage boys, who usually react pretty intense on all this 'casual vs hardcore' crap (in other words, cheap populism of gaming media).

According to their demographic hypothesis, GTA:CW on DS flopped because there's not enough people on the platform who're interested in 'hardcore' games like GTA, and the best place to look for such people is PSP. Obvious conclusion - GTA:CW should have sold better on PSP, but it didn't. In practice it appears that, a great majority of gamers intersted in buying GTA:CW are DS owners as well. Considering advantage of first release it's no-brainer that DS sold the most copies, but it still ruins the above-mentioned hypothesis that DS has no people interested in GTA. And practical outcome of GTA:CW sales on both platforms is... as media claimed that DS always need to prove something, in fact it did prove that even not having backlog of two uber-successful portable GTA games (thus likely to accumulate a majority of GTA fans), DS install base is so massive and diverse that it incorporates a whole bunch of gamers of different tastes, including PSP owners and GTA players.

Bottomline. GTA:CW sales isn't fail of either platform, plaltform holder or Rockstar Gamers, but it's an epic fail of gaming media, so called anaylsts and not so thoughtful audience, who behave like a flock of sheep, following media outlets.