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Other than my WTF nintendo thread, and another one... I really just have been babbling. There just hasnt been anything new. Unless the BS that goes on like it does now the forums would be dead, and no-one would post. That is overall bad for the site. Usually I am relativly mild as long as I have stuff to intrest myself. But when there is little/no news... it gets ugly. I've noticed that since I've been here... A lull in game info... usually a bad time for the forums. Welcome to the game industry, and a game forum.

Hus is a fanboy, and says anything and everything sucks but the PS3.

I perfer sony consoles over the others, that is a personal prefrence. I want a 360, and I already have a Wii.

I bash nintendo alot, but it's for two reaons.
1. Controllers.
2. Games.
The Wii has a total of about 4 games that intrest me this year. This is 1st 2nd and 3rd party games. The PS3 has at least 5 first party, the 360 dont have as many as the Wii, but I already have that.

I am dissapointed in what the wii will provide, and the way things are looking these days, the wii will win the market war, and put a serious dent in the ability for 50+ million dollar budget games to show up this generation. I was hoping for 100+million HOLY CRAP JAW DROPPING AMAZEMENT. Graphics, gameplay, style, art, story, plot, characters, devolopment, interactivity... However seeing what is happening, unless the PS3 or 360 dominates the market I doubt we will see any games like that this gen, and most likely not next gen as well. I actually think the average game budget will drop from roughly 10million to about 3million. From last gen to this gen. This is my opinion, however I speak it when there is little else to say.

Overall nintendo can make AMAZING games. Zelda: Link to the past, Mario64, Super Mario World, StarFox, Pikmin (not the 2nd, it dissapointed me), ChibiRobo, and Eternal Darkness.

Those are all some amazing games, and I expect nintendo to continue to make amazing games. However I would like to see nintendo drop amazing games 2-3 times a year, verses 4 on launch year, and then wait 3 years for another.

And me trolling on that one thread. Hey, I'm not even saying much, I am basically commenting where I feel people go way out from accuracy. However I'm not reading it all so meh. :P 

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!