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I'm finally glad it's coming through. When R* announced that port for the PSP there was an almost PSP owner rising that it would do better. Though any R* was still saying the major problem with game is that it's 2d. Now the game is awesome, the problem is that GTA is known for it's third person. If R* kept a legacy style continuing from it's PS1 days AND had a Third person then GTACW would have had a better reception due to having a fan base.

It doesn't matter what medium the game is on. The game is 2d and people don't want a 2d GTA. Thsi game might have sold better under a non GTA name.

I'm going to get this out right now. COP SUCKS. It's The Conduit of the DS. It will more prove what is possible, but will end up being game with poor gameplay design. Hasn't anyone noticed the stilted simple movement, fade to white when entering/exiting a vehicle. Lack of people, simple driving. It's likely the DS can do more, but this is a unpolished game. Two things can come from this. COP2 will be better and R* might be encoureged that Third Person is very doable on the DS and make a better GTA Wars game.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.