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Oh and to be clear, I know I'm against the review a bit, only because of what is said and reasons he counted off, I personally believe 8.9 is an excellent score. However the written word I take a few issues with.

Honestly I'd love for it to have online, when the question was brought up to Miyamoto I was hoping for a yes and he turned it down talking about maxing out the console (is some horrible mistranslation lol) My own issues stem from Craig Harris first calling the game quite possibly the best 2D Mario game, then in the same breath setting up scenarios for the game to count off.

Which is why I've brought up the argument that it possibly couldn't even work, especially how the game is designed right now, to make it work like the only other online 2D platformers (LBP and Splosion man) you'll have to change up the gameplay a lot and then it wouldn't be the same "best 2D Mario ever"

Understand? Counting off for shit you make up is one thing, then not thinking about how it might not work is another, and finally realizing how making what you want in the game change the gameplay to accommodate that feature and detract from what is really good about the game.

In this case apparently it's the best 2D Mario game ever, multiplayer is hard as it is with a group of skilled Mario players in the same room, put that online with no way to communicate would destroy what shred of coordination there is to be had. Then if you wanted to accommodate for that and make it easy to play multiplayer online you'd have to change the gameplay up and design the entire game around it (or at least have totally different levels for online like in Splosion man), much like LBP and Splosion man.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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