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GT4 still sell 3.5k per week on PS2 - Almost 5 years old game.
Halo 3 still sell around 20k on x360 - 2 years old game.
GT5P sell around 15k on PS3 - 2 years old demo/Prologue.
And GT > Halo.

What makes you think, that GT5 won`t sell around 20k per week, when PS3 will reach 60M LTD???
Since when nobody cares about GT5? Are you from moon?

When? Pretty much before the end of 2012.
This means, that PS3 will sell in 2010, 2011, 2012 around 10M per year on average even if it reaches 199$ price.
That is 30M + 3x10M = 60M LTD by the end of 2012 in worst case.
And if you think, that by the end of 2012, after 3 years nobody will care about GT5. Are you being delusional or just negative about PS3 and GT5 sales?