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jefforange89 said:
And I'll say it again: you seem to be working under the false assumption that a pirate copy equals a lost sale.

Which, in truth, it's typically the opposite - most pirates wouldn't buy the game it that were their only choice. Thus, it doesn't actually affect the publisher or developer in the slightest.

Ok, and if piracy didn't exist, would these individuals go on and do something else with their time, like take up stamp collecting, or create music?  I would wager most pirates would end up feeling the need to buy SOMETHING, if they had to.  They are just part of a culture where it is easy to not have to pay for anything, so they will play with this game or that, and get some hours of enjoyment out of it, and not pay anyone a cent.  They have the mentality of being freeloaders and gloating in how they rip off the system.  In this, I am NOT speaking of individuals who do this to try stuff out first and buy, just the individuals who life a live as a leech.