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jefforange89 said:
And I'll say it again: you seem to be working under the false assumption that a pirate copy equals a lost sale.

Which, in truth, it's typically the opposite - most pirates wouldn't buy the game it that were their only choice. Thus, it doesn't actually affect the publisher or developer in the slightest.

The Stardocks guys that had to work over a holydays week-end to fix their servers because they were exploding due to the number of pirates on them beg to differ............


PS : if it didn't affect sales don't you think you would get bigger sales on the PC than on the consoles for games where the PC features are actually good ( like CoD4).

I mean we keep getting told there are hundreds of millions of PC users while the numbers of consoles users are much lower, yet despite that games that are similar on both mediums sells more on consoles and piracy isn't the reason ?( and to boot it the console version is actually more expensive than the PC version by 10$)


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !