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shio said:

Over 200,000 PC games signed the petition against the removal of dedicated servers in MW2, and it's still counting. This is a huge success for the PC community, and shows the dissatisfaction of PC gamers towards Infinity Ward.

Success! That'll show them! 200,000 signatures, less than 10% are likely lost sales... yes, Activition will sure be hurting when their game sells 12 million copies across all platforms, and this "great success" costs them less than 20,000. Congrats PC gaming community, you have struck deep to the heart of their checkbooks. Oh wait, no, the PC gaming community already did it's damage via piracy... compared to consoles, PC game sales on this MW2 will be a rounding error.

How about this, how about all the developers sign a petition showing their dissatisfaction with how many copies of their games are DLed illegally. Guess what? They could all sign, and it would accomplish the same as this petition here..