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Mudface said:
Slimebeast said:

The large majority of PC gamers are pirates, especially guys that play shooters, so it's pretty safe to say that the majority of those who signed the petition are pirates.


These figures would tend to disagree with your assertion, especially as a fair percentage of those downloads would later translate into sales. There's a lot of piracy for sure, but nowhere near a majority of PC gamers are pirates.

But thats just ONE torrent site:  BitTorrent.  Pirates use uTorrent, Vuze, ArcticTorrent, Aria2, BitCommet, Bitflu, BitLet, BitThief, BitLord, CTorrent, Deluge, Halite, KTorrent, etc. etc.  That link you posted just goes to show that the majority of PC gamers ARE pirates because on just one Torrent Client you already have 830,000 downloads of CoD4.  I imagine the pirated copies of CoD4 actually far outnumber the legitimate ones!!!