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If I was John R, I'd be looking into converting more of the female base on Wii into EA gamers. EA Sports Active is the one breakout title the company has had on the Wii that wasn't previously established on another system - and it was primarily targetted to women. Boom Blox has done ok for a new IP, and Tiger Woods has done well - but it was established on other systems first.

I don't know that excercise is the answer necessarily, but I'm sure EA could pull off a a strong Cheerleading title or something for Wii - Namco-Bandai had reported several months ago that its We Cheer had shipped over a million units on the Wii.

Breakdancing with some kind of powermat and/or using the balance board would probably work fairly well too. But the least competitve market in respects is games on Wii not involving excercise that are targetted at women - and I think EA as a sports brand needs to figure out how to find a way to tap that audience.


People are difficult to govern because they have too much knowledge.

When there are more laws, there are more criminals.

- Lao Tzu