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Tridrakious said:
STAGE you are in the Sony Discussion forums.

I have yet to see a post from you that says anything good or positive about Sony, unless in some way it makes Microsoft better.

I don't care if I get banned. Me and several other people here are tired of the crap gushing out of you. I'm just not sitting back and watching.

Go ahead and get the mods on me. I've done nothing wrong and I stand what I've said.

What are you, apart of some army? Get a life. This isn't worth going crazy over and I am starting to fear for your sanity. I have my PS3 and I don't hate the games I buy for it. I bash Sony because naturally they are assholes. Kaz Hirai is a dick, Jack Tretton is blind and linear in argument and Ken Kutaragi is a genius yet a fool for putting so much hardware in the PS3 to take the focus off of the gaming. They dodge hard questions every game show whilst Microsoft answers all the hardball questions. They have some serious balls and that is why I have gained respect for their PR. As for games, there is no longer a reason to complain about the PS3's lineup. My problem with Sony followers is that they make themselves seem like a cult swarming over internet sites and praising Sony like its some god. I would truly love to see Sony fans from the east act like Sony fans from the west, but rarely ever do I see it. The Japanese know they make great products and they don't have to brag about it. Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg is the only person on the Microsoft crew I really must raise an eyebrow towards, because he makes large threats in Sony's direction which I doubt he can one hundred percent back up. In conclusion, being in the Sony forums doesn't mean kiss Sony's ass, it means discuss Sony's products, progress or Sony matters. I own their product and have a right to be critical if I damn well please.



You just contradicted yourself. You stated that you don't care if you get banned, signifying an understanding of your actions, then you stated that you did nothing wrong.

You love fighting losing battles.....don't you?