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lestatdark said:
I'm not discussing the facts with you all over again, since in the last thread I agreed with you.

I just think that your prepotence, hiding behind a cloak of facts that you manipulate for your own agenda is what really takes away from your reason.

Also, I enjoy the fact that you only consider RPG to be JRPG. I guess that Diablo, Fallout, Oblivion and other RPG's cannot be counted in your estimations.

What Agedna?  I don't even like Kingdon Hearts.

If you asked me what console i'd want it on.  I'd tell you all of them.  So I wouldn't have to put up with people whining after it was released.  Make it for the Wii then port it to ever console.  Or 360 exclusive.  So I could hear everyone complain... depending what kind of mood i was in.


As for western RPGs.

Why would WRPGs count in a discussion about KH?

The genre didn't even reach prominence until this generation when it comes to consoles.

Making the argument backwords.  Most WRPG fans seem to hate JRPGs.  (Note JRPG sales haven't gone up since WRPGs got popular, it's kinda acually been the opposite.)