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1) It seems that Netflix on PS3 is more of a move from Netflix, rather than SONY. Sony are supporting their own Video store on PSN, so I'm thinking SONY are probably getting some sort of Royalty fee payment out of the movies sold by Neflix on PS3.

2) Said it before and I'll say it again. THe PSPGO isn't a fuckin relaunch. It's SONY giving customers another option. One that's clearly a more profitable one for them. If it was a relaunch, the PSP3000 wouldn't be here.

3) The PS3 was made to establish new technology for future projects [also ones including the PS brand]. It was made to help IBM's Cell, Rambus' XDR and BDA's Blu-Ray to gain some earlier ground. AND IT's BEEN WORKING. Bluray won the format war and is expanding well. Major manufacturers like Toshiba and a few others are looking at, manufacuring or already selling Cell based computers and home electronics like HDTV's. not sure what's going on in XDR front. New tech means new development tactics developers had to use. It's not harder, just different. Many dev's have been saying this. There are just a few dev that don't want to learn new dev tactics and just go with the the familiar 360/PC layout and claim it's because the PS3 is too much work.

4) MS are the only ones charging for online. SONY's revenue from ads, PSStore and Royalty fees. Free Online is also considered one of the major advantages to owning a PS3 over a 360, which helps to bring in customers.

5) We still have quite some time before the controller launches... don't freak just yet.

Everything you mentioned has both positives and negatives to it. Some can be seen as advantages or disadvantages. Depends on what SONY plans to do, which you don't know...

4 ≈ One