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Ari_Gold said:

ummm... why would it hurt me? i'm not a fanboy like you... youre the one in denial.... the 360 has a better rpg lineup. the 360 rpgs are not average, Square-Enix, Bioware, Atlus, Lionhead, Mistwalker, Namco... every third-party developer is supporting the 360. play them first before you judge them. 

 In case you didn't read, i said in one of my posts that the 360 has more RPGs out at the moment. Actually, it has more games out in almost every genre like i said, thanks to his 1 year advantage.

However, that has no effect in the games coming out in 2008. In 2008 we will see which platform gets more RPGs, and i bet it will be the Wii.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"