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This is very nice. Cancer is becoming more and more common now because of our diets, as well as some polution. We're going to need better treatments going forward, so Sony's contribution is really good.

On the other hand, it's always important to keep in mind that cancer treatment is a very profitable business. As a result, it shouldn't be out of question to research alternative treatments that can enhance your recovery. Not discounting the official treatments, but radiation hormesis and hemp oil have both brought a lot of benefit to many patients, and it's worth checking out. The latter may be illegal, but the former isn't.

As a side note, we should all watch carefully how our habits are contributing to this profitable business. The industrialized foods, just what's in them? It's worth reading the components, so you know consciously that you may be doing something today to your body that your parents didn't, and as a result could be seeing complications earlier which are very unfortunate.