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Why not celebrate that it's up there at #1? Probably 10 years from now a new batch of forum goers will be saying something like "Yeah, Beef Jerky Factory Owner Simulator deserves a lot of praise and is an amazing game and I had fun playing all the way through, and it is a great game, but definitely not better than Mario Galaxy! That game was pure bliss!"

In short, some guy 10 years ago was saying Ocarina of Time was awesome, but didn't even compare to the original Zelda. You know what? That guy probably ruined his first experience with the game.

It would kind of suck and ruin a lot of the joy of gaming if you can't just sit down and really take it all in and think maybe, just maybe, you're enjoying the best game ever made. Don't let some game made 10 years ago, or even 5 years ago, or yesterday put a shadow on that.

Ocarina of Time is awesome, but I'm perfectly willing to put it aside and fully enjoy Mario Galaxy and at least accept the fact that possibly it's a better, more purely fun experience, and worth its score.