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Onimusha12 said:
The Ps3 will have a hard time steeling back the Hardcore crowd from the 360. The 360's current momentum is terrifying especially with its killer line up. It will be very interesting though to see PS3 sales these holidays with the new SKU and commercials.

Next year will make or break the ps3. A slate of quality games (including some which I suspect are currently unannounced) is the only thing that will improve Sony's current position. Sometime next year you can begin drawing conclusions about the fate of the ps3. Right now it isn't as clear as some people would like to believe. Don't think they'll go down without a fight.

it's clear to me that while the xbox 360 has some very high quality games and quality online, (even if microsoft nickel and dimes you to death in the process) it lacks the variety of games that has long defined the playstation brand. I assume the "killer line up" consists of Halo 3, Bioshock, Orange Box and Mass Effect? Out of those 4 games, only one (Mass Effect) won't make it to the pc at some point and only one (Mass Effect) isn't a FPS.

Oh and people, stop hyping Haze. You'll thank me later.

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