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agardini51 said:
Ahh i didn't gain any trophies this week as I had 4 exams that I needed to study for and massive amounts of homework to do. Dang college. I have Uncharted 2 to finish on second play through along with 4 new games that I just got. I got Fallout 3, Ratchet and Clank:ACiT, Brutal Legend, and Demons Souls. I feel like I wont get too much playing time in in the next few months though as it is getting ominously close to finals already. Then over semester break I have to have hand surgery along with reconstructive surgery on my wrist. I have about a 20 game backlog to play and I just keep adding to it with all the new games I keep getting.

What's wrong with your hand and wrist? Is it tendonitis or arthritis or have you had an accident?

Well I have a ganglion cyst in my wrist. I have had it removed once successfully about four years ago, but it recently grew back. Then about a month ago the cyst popped inside and was swollen for about two weeks. In the time that I had the second cyst and it popping I was playing intramural football and basketball with friends and it pushed "stuff" into the actual joint that acted like sandpaper (as the doctor explained it) on the joint along with other things that happened to my wrist from playing the basketball on it. Over semester break is when I am getting the remains of the cyst taken out of my wrist and then that doctor will do an exploratory of the rest of my wrist and send his results along with the mri that I will have to have on it like a couple weeks after the surgery to the reconstructionist doctor who will then decide if I actually need to have the reconstruction surgery or not. Depending on if I need the second surgery and how quickly I will need it will probably put it on Spring Break week, which I was making plans with friends to go to Vegas. I am thinking that I might put off the second surgery if I need it because spring break was going to be like the last time that all of us would be together to party together because we are all graduating and going many different ways. On a side note Best buy shipped out my copy of Demons Souls today. 

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