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HappySqurriel said:
ChichiriMuyo said:
Yeah, there sure are a lot of fat people. And they don't really want to stop being fat, they just want people to stop acting like it's such a bad thing. If not for societal preasure, fat Americans would just as happily stay fat. WiiFit will only sell the most in NA if it gets packed in with the machine, otherwise it will do the best in Japan by a large margin.

I don't know ...

The thing about North American culture when it comes to weight loss is that there is a lot of excitement and money spent with very little follow through; there have been hundreds of diet fads and millions of gimmicky pieces of workout equipment which have been adopted by American culture only to be abandoned the next week.

 well, it called "discipline", and very few people, not just Americans, have it :)

 for instance, i would buy WiiFit just because i'd be happy with myself if i touch it say, oh, once every other week.

it beats never touching it at all, right?  (probably not really, but at least it'll make me feel better)

the Wii is an epidemic.