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Kenryoku_Maxis said:
trestres said:
Also asking me for convincing proof is kind of illogical, since you can't prove the opposite to me. Although I am trying.

Now please explain to me why are core gamers not buying core stuff on the Wii but they do on the other consoles? Why can Uncharted 2 sell 100k in Japan and a really popular franchise like Super Robot Taisen bombs on its first week?


Well i'd guess more that it's the Wii's super Robot Taisen focused exclusivly on Super Robots... when the bigger draw and better gameplay has always been with the "Real" Robots...

espiecally Gundam robots... as Gundam dominates the stories of all the non OG SRW games.

The only Gundam robots in there are the G Gundam ones to my knowledge... G Gundam not exactly being the most popular of the series...

I don't think i've ever actually met anyone who mains a super robot in a robot wars game.

It's like they made a game based around Cait Sith, or those random really crappy Fire Emblem characters.

Ok... so they kinda did that last one... Sothe was pretty lame and you get that lame sorceress early... but they made Sothe better!